Update 0.0.2

Greetings, fellow Huntsmen and Huntswomen!

Today marks the day when The Last Huntsman reaches version 0.0.2 - this means that the the intro part of the game is now fully playable. Here's some of the small changes and fixes that were made to this section of the game (doesn't mean it won't suffer any more during the game's development) - bear in mind that other things have been added and worked upon (they're just either not ready or barebones).

  • Fixed a tile issue which was preventing interaction with certain NPCs
  • Fixed an NPC movement
  • Fixed an orientation issue when entering and leaving certain buildings
  • Changed Zwanyr's Theme (world's background theme)
  • Added a whole new secondary/optional area
  • Added some assets to make the world a more vibrant place
  • Added elements to certain locations, allowing them to serve as connections to other areas of the world
  • Reworked some of the dialogue

That's pretty much it for now; update 0.0.3 will surely bring some new things (and hopefully the combat system will be fully functional by then). In the meantime, have a great day and stay safe out there!

Michael, Darkmoon Studios

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